Vanguard Healthcare Staffing Hero Section

Get the Right Job. Right Now.

Time to move on or move up? We can help.

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Why Recruit Us?

Executive Search Icon
Executive Search
Our tailored executive search service connects you with top-tier candidates, ensuring the right leadership for your organization.
20 Years of Industry Experience Icon
20 Years of Industry Experience
With two decades of expertise, we understand the healthcare industry inside and out, delivering unmatched recruitment solutions.
Candidate Management Icon
Candidate Management
Efficient candidate management systems help streamline the hiring process, saving you time and ensuring the best fit.
60-Day Placement Icon
60-Day Placement
We are committed to filling your positions within 60 days, guaranteeing fast and effective recruitment for critical roles.
24/7 Job Portal Icon
24/7 Job Portal
Our round-the-clock job portal provides access to a broad range of opportunities and candidates anytime, anywhere.
50,000+ Candidate Database Icon
50,000+ Candidate Database
Tap into our extensive database of over 50,000 candidates to find the perfect match for your healthcare staffing needs.
Customer Satisfaction
New Hire Retention Rate
Employee Replacement
60 Day

What We Offer

We've been in the Healthcare Sector on both sides of the desk. We know it because we live it — and we have been, for more than 25 years.

What Our Clients Are Saying

“I give my highest recommendation to Ed Dooling and his team at Vanguard Healthcare Staffing. As recruiting professionals, they were able to assess my skills and interests and match them to the right opportunity. The Vanguard Healthcare Staffing team is extremely responsive, proactive and collaborative which, coupled with their expertise and genuine interest, make finding a new career enjoyable. They provided constant feedback and advice. Vanquard works for the candidate's best outcome, and I highly recommend Ed and his team.”

Susan Samuel

Former Job Seeker

More Testimonials

Trusted by leading organizations to deliver excellence.


Our Expertise and Industry Focus

We source from and for the professional scientific pharmaceutical and biotech industries. We've been in the healthcare sector on both sides of the desk. We know it because we live it. And we have been, for more than 25 years.

When you work with Vanguard Healthcare Staffing you can expect thoughtful attention to detail, superior service and a recruiting team committed to meeting your needs. Period.

Talent Acquisition Specialties

  • Sales
  • Executive Search
  • Operations & Business Development
  • Information Technology
  • Laboratory Professionals
  • PhD Molecular Diagnostics
  • Pathologist
  • Reimbursement, Billing & Finance
  • Other Healthcare Professionals

Industries We Serve

  • Laboratory Diagnostics
  • Biotechnology
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Medical Device
  • Capital Equipment
  • Durable Medical Equipment
  • Genomics
  • Proteomics
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Build Your Path to Excellence

Whether you're searching for top talent or seeking your next career move, Vanguard Healthcare Staffing is here to connect you with the opportunities that drive success in the healthcare industry.

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