Don't Burn a Bridge, Build One

One of the major advantages of being a recruiter is connecting with new individuals every day. While we are constantly expanding our network, it allows us to help our clients fill their vacant positions as well as help candidates looking for their next placement. For this joint venture to be successful both the candidate and recruiter must handle every encounter with dignity and respect. How you manage your interactions with people has a direct impact on the value of the relationship. It can take weeks, months and even years to build trusted relationships, but seconds to break them. Don't burn a bridge, build one.
When connections are broken, one burnt bridge can ultimately funnel down into multiple. Treat every conversation honestly and respectfully. During the conversation, you may have questions and want to gather information, but that should be secondary to being kind, polite, enthusiastic, and respectful or each other's time. Regardless of whether people like each other, a mutual respect must exist in order to get results. To conclude, let's all remember the golden rule: you should treat others the way you want to be treated yourself.