Interview Preparation

Have you ever left from an interview already knowing you were not fully prepared? Below are a few tips to ease some of the interview anxiety and help you feel more prepared.
1. Do your Research
Take the time to research these 3 major aspects: the company, the job description, and the hiring manager. In researching the company, identify the company's business model, which in most cases can be easily found on the company's website. Look at what types of products and services they offer and identify who may be the competitors in that market.
Study the job description so during the interview you won’t be asking questions that can be answered by the job description. You can also use the job description to come up with some questions for the interviewer.
A quick search on LinkedIn about the hiring manager, or anyone else who may be involved in the hiring process, is also a plus. If you recognize similar interests such as sports or maybe you both went to the same college, these can be good ice breakers during your interview.
2. Personal Preparation
Get plenty of rest the night before your interview. It will also help to lay out your professional attire the night before, so you won’t be running around the next morning and it will be one less thing off your plate. Remember to keep your suit colors to a black or navy blue and chose a “power” color for your tie, like red. Ladies, remember to keep your makeup to a minimum and opted out on perfume.
Make sure to print multiple copies of your resume the night before. Technology can be unpredictable. You never know, the morning of your interview could be the day your internet goes out, you run out of ink or paper.
3. Mock Interview
Be prepared to answer standard interview questions. Grab a friend or a family member to do a mock interview with you and have them critique your answers as well as your mannerism. Do you sound confident when answering questions? Do your answers make sense? Are you making eye contact while answering questions, or are your eyes darting across the room? These are just a few things to keep in mind while you are interviewing.
Remember, first impressions are everything when you are interviewing. Having some background knowledge about the company, presenting yourself professionally, and projecting confidence during your interview are great steps to take to put some of your anxiousness at ease and an opportunity for your confidence to shine.