Remember your A, B, C's - Always Be Closing

If you’ve ever watched a movie having anything to do with sales then you’ve seen how important a good close is to a sales person. Take Wolf of Wall Street for example, Jordan Belfort, starred by Leonardo Decaprio, has a close strategy that removes all objections about price, company, and who they are as representatives. Anything prior to a close is just fluff, only when an agreement is reached will you find value.
Whether your career is in sales or not, there’s no denying that in job interviews you're selling yourself as the best fit. And if you're selling anything, you better know how to close.
Below I will lay out two closes. One is more designed for those not in sales, it’s easily repeatable and you don’t need to be a type A to pull this off. The other is much stronger, more suited for those that have experience with objections handling.
Close #1
Towards the end of the interview, your interviewer may ask do you have any final questions before we go? If you have no more questions, I would consider reiterating your interest in the company, go over why you think you’re the right fit, and ask “what are the next steps”?
Ex: No Jack, I have no further questions, but I would like to let you know that I am very interested in the opportunity with your company. I believe that my experience doing x,y,z make me a great fit and will allow an easy transition to this role. What are the next steps?
Simple and honest. This close is perfect for anyone.
Close #2
This next close is a lot stronger than the previous one. With this, you have to be prepared to hear criticism and figure out a way to move beyond it on the fly.
Interviewee: Yes, Jack. I wanted to ask if you have any concerns about moving me forward to the next steps?
Interviewer: I’m worried about your lack of experience for this particular role.
Interviewee: I understand Jack, while I may lack experience in comparison to others, my references will tell you that I am a fast learner and I am confident I can do the same for you. What else are you concerned about?
Notice, at the end the interviewee will ask if there are any further concerns. Continue to find out all concerns and address them individually. If there are none, great. Proceed to asking what the next steps are.
Closing out an interview truly can decide whether you’re the #1 candidate or the #2. Take some time before an interview and practice a close. Ask a friend if they will do a mock interview with you. The more you practice, the better you’ll get.