Social Media Mistakes to Avoid
Social media has become a valuable tool for human resources and recruiters alike. They are able to gauge your personal persona using these platforms by reviewing your content, posts, and your interactions with people online. A cultural fit is a big deal in today's market and employers are looking at all of your social media available to them to see whether or not the fit is there. In fact, according to CareerBuilder, "54 percent have decided not to hire a candidate based on their social media profiles." There are multiple reasons this could happen such as: provocative pictures, foul language, posting about drinking or illegal drug abuse, discriminating comments, etc.
Keep Your Profile
Avoid the mistake of completely erasing your online presence or making it impossible for someone to find you. Since social media is so popular, not finding any information or social sites, ironically now, comes across that you might have something to hide. CareerBuilder found that, "Employers didn't like candidates who lacked a social media presence - 57 percent of employers said they were far less likely to call someone in if that person was an online 'ghost'."
Clean it Up
Take some time to go through your social media profiles. Step into the HR Specialists shoes. What would you be okay with a potential employer looking at and what might need to go? People make mistakes because, well, we're human, so take down anything that could be taken out of context. Changing just your privacy settings won't protect you much either, someone always knows someone!
Pick and Choose
Today, people are expressing their views and having heated debates online, which is our right to do so. Buthow
you do it is more important. If you find yourself in a high position one day, something may resurface that could put your position, or even employment, in jeopardy. Think before you post!Keep it PG
You also want to think about what pictures you're posting. Are you flooding your social media with inappropriate pictures of you partying? Maybe posting provocative pictures? Companies want to hire professionals who would represent the company in a positive way both inside and outside the workplace as well as maintain a positive company culture.
Social media screenings are becoming the new norm when screening potential employees. "According to a 2018 CareerBuilder survey, 70% of employers use social media to screen candidates during the hiring process, and about 43% of employers use social media to check on current employees." This percentage is bound to increase as social media becomes more and more popular. The bottom line is to be conscious of what you post because you never know who is viewing your profiles.