The Importance of Company Culture

Companies today are starting to understand why a positive company culture is so important. Making an employee feel like they are more than just a number is crucial to a company's success. The type of culture you provide is the type of candidates you will attract.
Providing Employees with Reasonable Benefits
Benefits today are highly attractive to employees. A higher base salary without the perks doesn't always make sense and it could end up costing them more in the long run. If your company is in the start-up stage, analyze what you can offer at the time, but don't forget to make adjustments as the company grows. Bigger companies are providing more and more comprehensive perks to improve their culture such as paid maternity and paternity leave, student loan repayment, unlimited paid time off, stock options, and much, much more.
Promote from Within
This is a great way to maintain talent and reduce your turnover rate, yet it is a strategy that is often overlooked. If an employee works for a company known to promote outstanding employees every could of years, or even sooner depending on their performance, they are more willing to stay loyal knowing they have an opportunity to grow as a professional. Current employees should be given the opportunity to apply for positions within the company. It will still be up to your discretion whether or not it would be a fit, but giving your employees the opportunity is what counts. Who better to hire for a position than someone who has been with the company, knows what is to be expected of them because they’ve seen it first hand, and already has knowledge of the company's products/services?
Celebrate Accomplishments as a Team
Think back to the euphoric feeling of winning a highschool or college game. You celebrate with your family or peers and it gave you the mentality to strive and do it all over again at the next game. This should be carried over into your company. Employees strive off recognition and also knowing they are appreciated for their efforts. Set up incentive plans at each level of your organization. Classify what a “big win” is for your company and take those who played instrumental roles in it out to a team activity or happy hour. Celebrate Holidays and the year-end with your company. A company’s success is not dependent upon only the management and executive team, it’s the people helping run the day-to-day operations as well.
Management Style
A servant leader type of manager provides your employees with more than just an authoritative figure. These leaders are willing to roll their sleeves up and help an employee however they can. These leaders gain a lot of respect from employees. They will bounce around ideas with their direct reports, give constructive feedback, and engage with employees. A management style like this can foster future managers within your company, develop a positive and productive work environment.