The Most Underrates Interviewing Skill: The Follow Up

The first interviewing tip I ever received was from my mother when I was going for my first job interview in high school. “Make sure you follow up," she said. “Call them to inquire about the job again”. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I believe this little piece of information aided me in landing every job I’ve received.
As a recruiter, I am able to get the hiring managers' feedback on candidates. There are countless times where the hiring manager has said “We liked the candidate, but they didn’t follow up." For individuals interviewing, the mistake of not following up can be a make it or break it detail. Following up is an absolutemust. It is a skill that is necessary for interviewing. There are real life scenarios where you are up against another individual who likely has all the same qualifications as you. It is in these little details that can push you ahead of your competition.
Below you find steps to take to write a great follow up:
1. Begin by thanking them for taking the time to interview you.
2. Summarize everything you learned about the company, the position, and why you believe this could be a great opportunity for both parties.
3. Write about their needs and wants out of the position and get detailed about why you are a great fit. In this section, I suggest sharing a short story about yourself. Be passionate, every manager wants people on their team to be passionate about what they do.If you lack some experience or a qualification, use this as an opportunity to talk about how you’ve overcome being inexperienced before and how you’re confident that you will do it again.
4. End with expressing interests in the next steps. “I look forward to the next steps” or “I am eagerly awaiting the next steps in the interview process, please share at your earliest convenience” or “I am looking forward to speaking with you further and learning more about the company and the opportunity.”
Don't forget to write a detailed follow up after each and every interview. The majority of your competition will not do this and it will give you the upper hand. Be sure to ask for the hiring manager's email and write a thoughtful follow up message. The follow up applies to every single interview out there, it let's the company know you're interested, you pay attention and don't skip small details, and it shows what you learned in the interview and gives you an opportunity to solidify yourself as a top candidate.