The Recipe for Building Out a Winning Team

Sit down with the management team and define the key skills and attributes you are looking for your ideal candidate during the interview process. Define what are the must-haves and nice to haves of the candidate you want to hire. Understanding what you really want is the first step in hiring the right person for the job.
Provide ajob descriptionJob descriptions provide an overview to the candidate of what is expected of them in the position they are interviewing for. The job description should define the responsibilities and what is expected to be done. Tasks- how the responsibility is to be carried out and any special working conditions unique to the job. Is there travel, is the work indoors or outside, on-call 24/7 days a week? The job description ensures both the candidate and their company have their goals and expectations aligned and that there is no misunderstanding.
Hire the culture you wantCulture is one of the keys to many great organizations. You need to ensure that the personality and goals of the candidate are in line with the candidates you hire. For example, I had the opportunity as a former Military Officer to join my first company that recruited a significant number of Junior Military Officers. Many of us had the same,“ take the hill” mentality. We shared a common bond having served our country and we had each other back during good times and bad. Great cultures are tough to find, but when you do have a strong culture great things can happen.
LeverageSocial MediaSince starting my recruiting firm, I have learned the importance and the power behind a strong social media presence and footprint. I encourage my clients to stay active on social media to highlight your brand and make people want to come work for you, it’s an outstanding way to find great candidates.
Be proactive in your search for talentBe proactive in finding top talent for your organization and your team. Don’t wait, go find them. Use recruiters, social media, your company's job board, your network, and referrals to find the best. The wider the net you cast with a focus on exactly what you want will ensure you find a talented and deep pool of candidates to choose from.
Use a Many-Pronged ApproachUse the resources you have at your disposal to find great talent. There are many recruiting firms out there and it is important for you to interview your recruiter to ensure they have received recruiting training, have been hiring managers themselves, understand your space and that they possess a database and resources to find you top talent.
At the end of the day, your success as a hiring manager is finding and building a team and culture that will set you apart. Following these simple steps as an outline to guide you in exceeding company goals and expectations all starts with building that winning team.